Search Report
2023 Sustainability Report
published 2024/08/01





Our most important customers are called A-Customers. Other customer groups are B- Customers and C-Customers. Classification is based on the criteria: revenue, revenue potential and image factor.


Als A-Kunden werden die wichtigsten Kunden bezeichnet. Weitere Kundengruppen werden B-Kunden und C-Kunden genannt. Maßgeblich für die Einteilung sind die Kriterien Umsatz, Umsatzpotential sowie der Imagefaktor.


Abbreviation for "Asia Floor Wage" - The Asia Floor Wage Campaign, an alliance of trade unions, NGO's campaigns for the payment of living wages in the garment industry. This has been calculated for some Asian countries - but only for the individual country and without taking regional differences into consideration. FW uses the AFW Living Wage as a benchmark.



A manufactured consolidation of separate material pieces, created through technical processes.


Designation for monitoring by external (or internal) experts regarding the fulfillment of requirements and guidelines.  


German abbreviation for German Association of Environmental Management e.V., an environmental initiative founded in 1984.


  Balanced Scorecard

A concept for measuring, documenting and monitoring the activities of a company or an organization in terms of its vision and strategy. 


"Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge" – Federal Office for Migration and Refugees


Best Available Technology, the term corresponds to the concept traditionally used in Germany of "Standes der Technik“ (SdT). 


The berufundfamilie GmbH (Career and Family GmBH), founded in 1998 by the Hertie Foundation, bundles all of the foundation’s activities in one eponymous subject area.


  Better Work

Better Work is a Program of the ILO (International Labour Organisation) that provides assistance and training to production facilities in the textile and apparel industry for the improvement of working conditions.


  Biodiversity Check of the EU Business & Biodiversity Campaign

Developed by the Global Nature Fund and other organizations. This audit serves as a first orientation to identifying impacts and dependencies of the different divisions of biodiversity.


  Biogenic emissions

Biogenic emissions are emissions that emanate from nature. Examples: volcanoes emit sulfur dioxide, methane is produced in the digestion of cows. 


Using nature's perfect technology for human technology.

  bluesign® system

The world's strictest textile standard for environmental protection and consumer protection in textile production; VAUDE has been working with bluesign® since 2001.



VAUDE Material Goals


Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development


Bill of Materials, see parts list

  Brand Performance Check

In a Brand Performance Check, Fair Wear annually evaluates how well VAUDE is meeting its strict conditions for membership. To this end, the execution of a Works Plan and the results of audits are evaluated using a point system. The BPC is published on the Fair Wear website.


German abbreviation for Federation of German Sporting Goods Industry, which represents the interests of sporting goods manufacturers, importers and wholesalers in Germany.



Abbreviation for “bluesign® System Substance List ", a list of all substances prohibited or limited by the bluesign® system.


German abbreviation for the "Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany e.V.", an association founded in 1975 that is committed to the protection of nature and environment.



Abbreviation for Corrective Action Plan; this records the discrepancies/complaints after an audit.

  Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU)

capture, transport and subsequent use of carbon

  Category A species

German category for endangered species, usually isolate, mostly unstable or acutely threatened occurrences, for which conservation assistance is needed immediately. 


Cost Break Down


Clean Clothes Campaign, an NGO founded in 1989 that advocates for the improvement of working conditions in the international textile and clothing industry and in the sporting goods industry.



The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives and of free marketability in the European Economic Area. 


Christian Initiative Romero e.V. is an association founded in 1981 with headquarters in Münster, which campaigns for labor rights and human rights in Central America.


  Climate neutrality

If climate-​damaging greenhouse gases are completely avoided or if gases that have already been emitted are saved elsewhere, this is referred to as "climate-​neutral".


Unit of CO2 emissions, pronounced “carbon dioxide equivalents.” 


Code of Conduct, a set of rules for certain behaviors. As a member of the Fair Wear, VAUDE complies with their strict CoC. 


Code of Labour Practices, used by the Fair Wear (FW).  


Conference of the Parties - The COP is the supreme decision-making body of the Convention, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. All States that are Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP adopts and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the Convention, including institutional and administrative arrangements.

  Cost Break Down (CBD)

Cost breakdown is the systematic process of identifying the individual elements that comprise the total cost of a good, service or package. 


Refers to clauses and collateral agreements in credit agreements where the debtor is contractually committed during the contract period. 


Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, a U.S. law that regulates product safety. 


Chromium VI compounds can form in leather tanning and are considered allergenic, in higher doses as a carcinogen. With due diligence in the tanning process, chrome-VI compounds can be avoided. 


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an EU legal act and the further development of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). It pursues the goal of placing sustainability reporting on the same level as financial reporting. Part of the CSRD are uniform EU standards for sustainability information, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).


Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the corporate responsibility for humans, society and nature with which we want to establish a healthy balance between our economic, environmental and social objectives.


  Cubic Inches (cu in)

A volume measurement used especially for down fill which roughly corresponds to 16.40 cubic centimeters.


German Accreditation Body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle)


"Deutscher Alpenverein e.V." (Germany Alpine Club), the largest mountaineering association in the world and a recognized nature conservation association in Germany. (DAV)



When climate-​damaging greenhouse gases grow at a slower rate than resource consumption and/or growth of the company


Diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) is a plasticizer for PVC, which is classified as teratogenic and harmful to human fertility. 


German abbreviation for German Society for Sustainable Building Council, a nonprofit organization that promotes sustainable building.


  DIN standards

These are standards that are set by the German Institute for Standardization.



German abbreviation for the German Sustainability Code, a recommendation of the Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) for politics and business. Established by the Federal Government in 2001; DNK members are appointed for three years. VAUDE was one of the first 10 companies to sign the DNK.



German abbreviation for Textile Clothing Dialogue, a textile and clothing industry association which has set itself the goal of improving the quality of products, headquartered in Munich.



European Chemicals Agency, a Helsinki-based EU agency that regulates the technical, scientific and administrative aspects of the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemicals and the central hub of Reach.



A non-profit organization that collects life cycle data worldwide.



Biobased polyamide that consists of 70% castor oil


Eco Management and Audit Scheme, a system developed by the EU to improve the environmental performance of companies.


  Employer Library

The Employer Library (Arbeitgeberbibliothek) is a project of the GDA (Gesellschaft für Marketing und Service der Deutschen Arbeitgeber mbH.) The library primarily contains publications and series of publications produced in cooperation with the BDA | Confederation of German Employers' Associations.


European Outdoor Conservation Association, the conservation organization of the European outdoor industry.



European Outdoor Group, a transnational representation of the outdoor industry.



European Sustainability Reporting Standards: In the future, sustainability information is to be disclosed in the management report on the basis of uniform EU reporting standards. To this end, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) has already submitted a draft for cross-sector standards (Set 1) on behalf of the EU Commission. The current timetable is to adopt the cross-sector ESRS by the end of June 2023 by means of delegated acts.


Regulation on Deforestation-free products

  EU Empowering Consumers Directive

European Commission Proposal for a Directive on Empowering Consumers for Environmental Change

  EU Green Claims Directive

European Commission proposal for a Directive on the substantiation and communication of environmental claims

  European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives designed to set the EU on the path to making a green transition, ultimately achieving its goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050.


Eutrophication is the process of excessive accumulation of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, in water, which often leads to excessive algae growth and subsequent negative ecological impacts.

  Extensive green roof

An extensive green roof system is characterized of its vegetation, ranging from sedums to small grasses, herbs and flowering herbaceous plants, which need little maintenance and no permanent irrigation system. 


Umbrella organization for non-profit and church organizations which campaigns for greater transparency and accountability in the collection and recycling of used clothing. Used clothes containers, bearing the logo of FairWertung belong to organizations that adhere to the required standards.



An institution for informing, coaching and advising family-friendly companies on themes relating to the balance of work and family.



The Food and Drug Administration


Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry, a representative of the European Sporting Goods Industry to EU institutions and authorities.



Forecasting refers to predictions about the economic development of a company in consideration of the internal and external factors. 

  Four Paws

An international animal protection organization with its headquarters in Vienna.



Forest Stewardship Council, an international non-profit organization that certifies products from sustainably managed forests.



Fair Wear – a multistakeholder that has the goal of better working conditions in the textile and clothing industry.


  G8 States

The "Group of Eight" (G8) was a merger of the industrialized countries USA, UK, Canada, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and Russia until March 25, 2014. In the course of Crimean Crisis, Russia was excluded from the circle. Currently, the G7 is in effect, as it was between 1967-1998. 

  Gender Pay Gap

The Gender Pay Gap is a measure that represents the difference in average earnings between men and women. It is typically expressed as a percentage of men's earnings.


A fashion association which represents the German fashion industry and their interests.



"Global Living Wage Coalition": Works on the improvement of wages in the supply chain. 



Genetically Modified Organism 

  Gold Standard

Certification organization for climate protection projects.



Global Organic Textile Standard for natural fibers such as cotton.

  Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)

The instrument most widely used to calculate and manage GHG emissions.



An independent, global organization in over 40 countries with the goal to “ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity”.


  Green Shape

The VAUDE Green Shape label stands for environmentally friendly, functional products made from sustainable materials. Our goal is the best for man and nature. Read more: VAUDE Green Shape



Global Reporting Initiative, an organization founded in 1997 promotes the use of sustainability reporting as a way for organizations to become more sustainable and contribute to sustainable development.



Global Recycling Standard: A textile standard by Textile Exchange that confirms the product is recycled.

  Grüner Knopf

State seal for sustainable textiles from the German Federal Government.


German abbreviation for Tested Safety. The GS seal certifies products that meet the requirements of the Product Safety Act. 


GTZ is used to calculate the heating requirements of a building during the heating season. 


German abbreviation for Economy for the Common Good, a movement launched in 2010 that is an alternative economic system built on values that promote the needs of the entire population. It is a tool for economic, political, and social change – a bridge to a better future.


  Higg Index

An instrument for the apparel and footwear industry to assess the sustainability of products. It was established in 2012 by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, a non-profit organization.


  High Risk Countries

Countries where there is a high risk of human rights abuses and poor working conditions.


  Hydrophobic treatment

Water repellent finish for textiles. 


German abbreviation for OK.


German abbreviation for Industry and Commerce, professional bodies governed by public law, consisting of the companies in each region.



International Labour Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations, which promotes social justice, human rights and labor rights.



INKOTA-netzwerk e.V., a development organization with headquarters in Berlin.


  Input Stream Management

All the ingredients used in the entire manufacturing process of the fabric are examined for environmental and consumer safety prior to use. In particular, the upstream supply chain is taken into account in the production countries (not just the finished product). In contrast, only the pollutant concentrations are tested in the finished product for compliance with the limits of many other textile labels. With these labels, the impact on people and the environmental that arise during production are not taken into account. 


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an intergovernmental organization with the goal of summarizing the state of science on climate for policy makers.


  ISO 14001

International environmental management standard that provides internationally recognized requirements for an environmental management system. 


Internationaler Verband Naturtextilien e.V. is an association of more than 100 companies from the textile industry. The association was founded in 1999 and has been awarding the "Naturtextil IVN zertifiziert BEST" seal since 2000.


Life Cycle Assessment, analyzes the environmental impacts of products throughout their life cycle.


  Leather Working Group

International organization for environmental audits of leather industry.


  Living Wage

A wage that is high enough to maintain a normal standard of living – often more than the minimum wage in effect in many countries. 


Loadbee's focus is on the distribution of product information provided by brands. This information is directly displayed in brand design in retail shops.


German abbreviation for a Provincial Administrative Office. 


The Leather Working Group (LWG) is a membership initiative that brings together brands, manufacturers, retailers and leading technical experts in the leather industry and non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders in a multi-stakeholder approach.


Leather Working Group Protocol, Certification for leather


Myanmar Garment Manufacturer Association 


Stands for "Memorandum of Understanding" – and refers to a signed and submitted declaration of intent between several negotiating partners. 


Abreviation for "Manufacturing Restricted Substances List". It applies to the entire manufacturing process and refers to the chemicals used.


A painful procedure used to prevent parasite infestation in sheep.


Voluntary associations of public, civil society and private actors. Multi-stakeholder initiatives are designed to solve complex social problems in a cooperative way.


A non-profit Swiss foundation that promotes climate protection on three levels - prevention, reduction and compensation.



German abbreviation for “not OK”. 


German abbreviation for Nature Conservation Association Germany, a German non-governmental organization founded in 1899, which is primarily dedicated to specific objectives of nature conservation at Germany and abroad.



EU classification system for standardising and recording economic activities in Europe, used for statistics, analysis and regulatory purposes.

  Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE

An interdisciplinary project, which aims to apply the issues and research approaches of the international TEEB study on the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Germany.



Non-governmental organization

  non nominated

Entspricht den locals


Organic Claim Standard, for natural fibers like cotton


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

  OEKO-TEX® Standard 100

An independent testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediate materials and end products at all stages of processing.



Outdoor Industry Association, was established in 1989 and is based in the U.S.; represents the interests of the international outdoor industry.


  PBT Substances

Persistent (non degradable), Bioaccumulative (accumulates in the body), Toxic (poisonous) substances: Properties of particularly hazardous chemicals. 


Plan – Do – Check – Act

  Pestizids-Aktions-Netzwerkes e.V. PAN

"PAN Germany" is a nonprofit organization that provides information on the negative consequences of the use of pesticides, is committed to environmentally sound and socially just alternatives and acts as part of the "Pesticide Action Network" (PAN).



Perfluorinated alkylated substances, also fluorocarbons or PFC. 


Abbreviation for per or polyfluorinated chemicals, also known as fluorocarbons, practically non-degradable, toxic chemicals, that are frequently used for waterproofing.


Perfluoroctane acid, a hazardous chemical substance from the fluorocarbon (PFC) group. 


Main Product Group


Phthalates are used as plasticizer. Phthalates can be found in food, drinking water, the air and objects. Some phthalates such as diethylhexyphthalat (DEHP) are considered teratongenic and toxic to human fertility. 

  Planetary boundaries

Planetary boundaries is a concept involving Earth system processes that contain environmental boundaries.

  Post-Consumer Material

Material generated by households or by commercial, industrial and institutional entities in their role as end users of the product that can no longer be used for its intended purpose. (Definition ISO 14021:2016)

  Post Industrial Material

Synonym of pre-consumer material


Pre Production Sample

  Pre-Consumer Material

Material removed from the waste stream during a manufacturing process, excluding the reuse of materials such as rework, regrind, or scrap, that are generated in a process and reincorporated into the same process in which they were generated (definition ISO 14021:2016)

  Precautionary Approach

Or also Precautionary Principle, a substantial part of the environmental and public health policy in Europe in which stress factors for human beings and nature should be reduced or reliminated in advance. The precautionary approach refers to the approach taken to address potential negative environmental impacts. See also "The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development" of the United Nations (UN) from 1992. Principle 15: In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. 


  Precautionary Principle

Or also Precautionary Approach – a substantial part of the environmental and public health policy in Europe in which stress factors for human beings and nature should be reduced or eliminated in advance. The precautionary principle refers to the approach taken to address potential negative environmental impacts. See also "The Rio Declaration of Environment and Development" of the United Nations (UN) from 1992. Principle 15: In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities.  Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. 



Innovative fabric supplier 


Polytetrafluorethylene, a Fluorocarbon-based material used by some brands for waterproof membranes.


Quality Control 


The Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) is an international, voluntary standard that sets requirements for third-party certification of recycled input and chain of custody. The shared goal of the standards is to increase the use of recycled materials.


Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals, an EU regulation. REACH compliant means that the product complies with EU legislation. 

  Rebound Effekt

Overcompensation of emission reductions through growth

  Rebound Effekt

Overcompensation of emission reductions through growth

  Recycled Claim Standard

International certification for proof of use of recycled materials


Regranulates are plastics that are produced when production waste is recycled. The plastics are crushed, washed, dried, melted and formed into granules again, resulting in the regranulate

  Responsible Down Standard (RDS)

A voluntary industry standard for animal welfare in the harvesting of down. VAUDE uses 100% RDS-certified down in all down products.


  Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)

A voluntary industry standard for animal welfare in the production of wool.



Abbreviation for Regierungspräsidium (regional council): state intermediate safety authority that mediates between ministries and district offices, cities and communities.


Abbreviation for Restricted Substances List, a VAUDE list of substances whose use is strictly regulated or banned altogether because of their potential harmfulness. 


Raw material obtained from recycled coffee grounds. 

  Science Based Targets (SBT)

Scientifically sound targets for the reduction of climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions that demonstrably contribute to the international goal of limiting global warming to a maximum of 1.5°C

  Science Based Targets for Nature (SBTN)

Science-based targets that help companies improve their impact on freshwater quality (especially nitrogen and phosphorus) and freshwater quantity, and protect and restore terrestrial ecosystems.

  Scope 1

GHG emissions generated by a company’s own activities. 

  Scope 2

GHG emissions resulting from purchased energy. 

  Scope 3

GHG emissions resulting from upstream and downstream activities. 

  Scope 3 Screening

Estimation of emissions occuring in upstream and downstream processes of own operations


A province in China, in which VAUDE supports climate protection projects. 


Shrink wrapping of polymeric plastics, which is very closely wrapped around the pallets to protect the items during transport. 


EU funded project to improve working conditions in the garment industry in Myanmar.



Salesman Sample


Refers to people or groups who have a legitimate interest in a company. 


This refers to frugality, i.e. moderate consumer behavior in which only what is really important is consumed. The aim is not to exploit the limited resources of the planet and instead to find a responsible level of consumption that nevertheless makes people happy and satisfied.


This means strengthening self-sufficiency: The aim is a demand-oriented lifestyle with a balance between self-sufficiency and external supply, includung DYI, shared use and repair.

  Supply Chain

The sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of a commodity. 

  Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC)

Worldwide association of textile and shoe manufacturers that has the goal to reduce the environmental impacts of production and to improve social situation.



"Strengths - Weaknesses - Opportunities - Threats" is a tool for strategic analysis and planning, with which scenarios based on these parameters are investigated. 


The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) is a global initiative focused on drawing attention to the economic benefits of biodiversity including the growing cost of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation.


  Textile Labelling Act

The Textile Labelling Act stipulates how the fibers used to make textiles must be declared to consumers


Taiwan Green Mark. The Green Mark program was established in 1992 by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Agency as a voluntary eco-labeling program and published its latest revision in December 2013.


Tetrahydrocannabinol is a psychoactive substance which is a constituent of certain hemp sorts having an intoxicating effect on human mind. 

  THG (GHG in English)

German abbreviation for Greenhouse Gas, a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. 

  Tier 1

Tier 1 denotes the first upstream stage of the value chain, manufacturing of the product. 

  Tier 2

Tier 2 denotes the second upstream stage of the value chain, manufacturing of raw materials. 


Thermoplastic Polyurethane, a synthetic material.


Influence prices through government measures in favor of producers

  VAUDE Material Policy

Internal guidelines that give the VAUDE product developers clear guidance for the selection of materials and processes. 

  Wage Ladder

An instrument of Fair Wear (FW) to compare paid wages at production sites with different benchmarks such as minimum wage and a living wage.


Workplace Education Program – A training program of the Fair Wear (FW) to educate workers and management with respect to the contents of the Code of Labor Practices (CoLP), laws and complaint system.


World Resources Institute, a global research institution, which is now working with more than 450 employees in more than 50 countries to conserve natural resources.



The World Wide Fund for Nature, founded in Switzerland in 1961 – the largest conservation organization in the world.



The ZDHC is an association of textile and shoe manufacturers who have set themselves the goal of completely eliminating pollutants from their production.



»SMART« is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Realistic, Time bound. 
