1. Releasing no harmful chemicals into the environment
2. Actively contributing to new, responsible business models with more sustainable products and consumption
3. Transparent public reporting on all results, progress such as challenges and unresolved issues.
We report on how far we have come with Sections1 and 2 below on this page.
We will cover Section 3 with the entire Sustainability Report.
1. Publish a list of all producers and suppliers (primary fabrics and linings)
2. Dispatch of new VAUDE MRSL with accompanying letter to all producers and suppliers
3. Revise purchasing conditions for producers and suppliers
VAUDE has developed and established an extensive vendor management system. This is constantly being further developed and adapted to the latest requirements. READ more
4. Perform and publish MRLS tests for at least 80 % of our suppliers using wet-chemical processes (by volume of primary fabrics and linings)
As part of the VAUDE Environmental Stewardship Project, we have been conducting wastewater tests in accordance with MRSL since 2015 and know the wastewater quality of 95 % of our suppliers.
We are discussing the publication of the test results on the IPE platform with our suppliers and some have already used it to upload their results. However, many have reservations about the platform. An alternative to the IPE could be the ZDHC Gateway, which is increasingly becoming a new standard tool in the industry. VAUDE is also working with the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines in the supply chain and using the ZDHC Gateway.
5. VAUDE will set itself clear time targets for phasing out additional hazardous chemicals in addition to the 11 priority groups of substances
VAUDE initially concentrated on the work on the 11 priority substance groups from the Detox Commitment.
Due to the many measures we took in our supply chain and our partnerships such as that with the bluesign system or our collaboration with the ZDHC, we have no longer been able to detect 9 of the 11 priority substance groups in wastewater tests and therefore assume that these have been successfully substituted.
6. Publication of case studies on the withdrawal from the nine priority substance groups in addition to PFC and APEO and their substitution by safer alternatives
Other substances:
Management of harmful substances
7. Phase-out of fluorocarbons – by 2020
As early as 2015, VAUDE succeeded in equipping water-repellent garments with PFC-free treatments. The transition for sleeping bags was achieved in 2016. With the clothing summer collection of 2018, VAUDE was able to completely eliminate the use of fluorocarbons in waterproof styles for the first time. With the exception of four models, all other models were switched to PFC-free alternatives. Since 2021, all clothing items and since 2020, all backpacks and shoes are manufactured without the use of fluorocarbons.
8. Include VAUDE licensees in the VAUDE Detox Commitment, set measures, monitoring, deadlines
Since the VAUDE Detox Commitment was signed, we have been talking to our licensees to raise their awareness of environmental and social issues. Thus far, however, we have initially focused on our own direct supply chain. We will keep working on this and include the issue in future reports.
9. Cooperation with competitors
VAUDE is always open to constructive cooperation, even with direct competitors. We have actively approached other brands in the industry for the continuation of our Environmental Stewardship project. Unfortunately, a follow-up project could not be started because some brands had to cancel their participation due to capacity reasons. VAUDE has now used pushed ahead with its own supply chain projects.
Our Supply Chain
1. Analysis and evaluation of production waste and returned products after use
2. Introduction of a return system for used VAUDE products
VAUDE already had its own return system for products over 20 years ago – the VAUDE Ecolog Recycling Network. Read here to find out why it didn’t work:
Instead, we have been working with FairWertung in Germany and Gift your Gear in the UK since 2012. Read more about it here:
We also intend to enter into collaborations of this kind in other European countries. We will report back here.
3. Initiate at least two new ownership models for products such as 2nd hand platforms, rental or upcycling
To further decouple business success from additional resource consumption, VAUDE will also sell used products in the future. We will provide further updates on this initiative.
4. Promotion of circular design and recyclable product development to slow and close material and production cycles
5. Publish detailed instructions for sustainable use, maintenance and repair of VAUDE products in order to extend the service life as far as possible:
6. Raising public awareness and fostering stakeholder engagement
VAUDE CEO Antje von Dewitz and nearly all members of the VAUDE CSR team are sought-after speakers for technical lectures, workshops and panel discussions.
Here are just a few examples:
In addition, we are currently establishing the VAUDE Sustainability Academy to provide even more targeted and efficient communication of various sustainability topics to different audiences.
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