It's unbelievable how full our closets and basements are. One million tons of used clothing is generated each year in Germany alone. Used clothing! Products we want to get rid of!
Do we really need that much ‘stuff’? To keep up with every trend? Ever thought about what is involved in terms of resources, how much energy and water it wastes, how many toxic chemicals are involved? And where does it all end up?
Wouldn’t it be much better to carefully select a beautiful new product and then protect it and cherish it for years?
We feel we are responsible for our products – even long after they have left the stores. We want to work with you, our customers, to make the world a bit better. Sometimes less really is more.
It’s clear that like any business, VAUDE has to make a profit to exist – we have to sell our products. However, our VAUDE products are designed for long-term use, making them ideal for new business models like our rental service, VAUDE Rent. We want them to last a long time, be easy to repair, and even if you no longer need them, you can sell them second-hand or they can serve a social purpose.
VAUDE products are timeless and leave flash trends by the wayside. We are constantly looking for innovative sustainable solutions that reduce the environmental footprint of our products, while also adding to your fun in the outdoors.
Our products spend a good part of their "lives" with you. At the end of the day, you have a direct influence on how sustainable they really are – depending on how good a life they had at your place...
If you take good care of your products, they’ll be there for you the next time you head out on an adventure in the mountains or on your bike. If something is broken, don't just toss it – repairing things can be fun, it's good for the environment – and it’s good for your wallet.
Fun, creative new upcycling products can be made from used goods and other residual materials.
With the VAUDE Greenpeace Detox Commitment, we have committed ourselves to making an active contribution to a system change towards more sustainable design and consumption. Specifically, this includes:
Of course, this doesn't happen at the touch of a button, but we're working on it. You can help us.
VAUDE Ecolog products were technically engineered to be easily reintroduced into the polyester fiber cycle. The "problem" was that the products lasted virtually forever... We received far too few used products back for the system to work. That is why we had to reinstate Ecolog.
We know from various studies that the amount of products collected must be large enough to compensate for transport emissions. On the other hand, it makes little sense to build up your own recycling system as a single brand – it will always remain a niche without saving significant amounts of resources. There is already an effective industry that specializes in the collection, sorting and recycling of textiles. Building networks and working together is our goal here.
Closing the VAUDE material loop in practice remains one of our most important challenges for the coming years. We are building on the experience of the VAUDE Ecolog Recycling Network.
VAUDE is committed to the principle of a circular economy. Therefore, we primarily use recycled or renewable materials: By 2030, our aim is for 90% of all VAUDE products to contain a minimum of 90% recycled or renewable materials.
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